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Userprofil von tajmahal2016
Userprofil von tajmahal2016 [1179 mal angesehen]
Profil Galerie
Logins: 1
Registrierungsdatum: 10.08.2021 08:41 Uhr
Letzter Pagebesuch: 10.08.2021 08:41 Uhr
Pagehits: 11
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Über mich
Nick: tajmahal2016
Name: Taj Mahal
Wohnort: Agra
Geschlecht: männlich
Alter: 29
Geburtstag: 14.01.1995
Beschreibung: Fatehpur Sikri near Agra is a fortified city built to serve as the capital of the Mughal Empire during the late 16th century. However, the city served this purpose only for 14 years and was abandoned completely by the turn of the 17th century. This historical city is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the prime tourist attractions in Agra. If you are fascinated by the Mughal architecture or have a keen interest in Indian history, keep aside a day in your itinerary for Fatehpur Sikri Agra while exploring the India.
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Homepage: http://https://www.tajmahalinagra.com/fatehpur-sikri/

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